Tuesday 1 February 2011

Content ideas

In my meeting with Graham, he suggested I watch a documentary which aired on BBC4 last night called "Ego - the Strange and Wonderful World of Self Portraits". From watching this documentary, I have began to formulate an idea for what my mannequin can be painting.

I was thinking about this animation as a whole, and what it represented, and what I wanted it to represent, and I realised that, assuming it is of good quality, this would be the work against which most of my degree and my ability is judged. This will be the culmination of all of my years studying at university, and studying digital media. Therefore, it should represent what I have learned, and also demonstrate my skills appropriately.

I was thinking that this is fairly similar to what a CV does, and this will also be the animation which I would show to prospective employers, and a CV is essentially a snapshot of what makes you, you, and therefore, this animation would serve as my own self portrait.

Following this idea however, I have no idea whether I want the mannequin to paint me straight out, to paint himself and have it fade into me, or some other variation. But that is the plan for now;

Artist painting/drawing mannequin, mannequin comes to life, starts painting, nice visual effects with colours etc resulting in self portrait. 

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