Tuesday 19 October 2010

Visor/Mask thing.

One of the key aspects of my animation is the visor/mask/thing that the people wear over their eyes in order for them to see the distorted reality.
This came from many influences, the main one obviously being the wall of Plato's Cave, however Dr Who's Cybermen also had some affect on my thought processes.
I need it to be a visor-like contraption which covers their whole eyes, and possibly goes into their ears as well. Ideally, I'd like there to be some form of chain design on it so it links to the prisoners chained in the cave, however that isn't essential.

Some preliminary sketches:

With the Visor/mask in mind, I have also been considering the scene when the main character first sees without his visor/mask, and the contrast between the two worlds.

Pixar's latest short Day & Night has influenced my thoughts on this scene, with the two silhouettes showing the same scene but in a different way.

This is a breif sketch I did which could demonstrate that difference, the top image being a nice sunny park, the bottom one being a messy, dirty park with a cloudy sky and dead trees and bird.

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